The inspirational supermodel to conquer American fashion industry with "defect"
She is a black girl, due to suffering from a rare skin disease, white spots are widely distributed in her face, abdomen and limbs, she was always laughed at and insulted when being a child, her life was almost destroyed. But after pain, depression and despair, she was brave to face and challenge secular to walk on T stage, she had millions of fans soon and put on the magazine cover of "Sunday style”, finally she conquered the American fashion industry with “defect” and became the world's first and the unique" goddess "taking a fancy to model due to vitiligo through gorgeous transformation!
她是個黑人女孩,由于身患一種罕見皮膚病,白斑廣泛分布在臉上、腹部和四肢,小時候總被人嘲笑、侮辱,生活幾乎被毀。但在歷經痛苦、消沉、絕望之后,她卻勇敢挑戰世俗走上T臺,很快便擁有百萬粉絲,登上《Sunday Style》雜志封面,最終用“缺陷美”征服美國時尚界,華麗蛻變為世界上第一個也是唯一一個因白癜風而與模特結緣的另類“女神”!